Breast milk is the best and   ideal food for babies and it is highly recommended to be fed to babies because It contains the ideal mix of enzymes including a combination of proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates.  There is nothing better for the health of your baby because of the living cells that are only found in breast milk. 

-Breastfeeding provides immunity against disease because   the first yellow  breast  milk, which is produced when a mother has just given birth, is rich in vitamin A and proteins .Among the diseases includes Diahorea , Kwashiorkor disease, Ear infections  among others.
-Colostrum prevents bacterial infections in new-borns because it contains antibodies, white blood cells and other anti-infective proteins, not found in mature milk. The mother passes antibodies to the child while feeding, which helps the child resist diseases and help improve the normal immune response to certain vaccines
-Breast milk contains all the nutrients a baby needs and it is easily digested
-Breastfeeding promotes development of the baby’s brain and nervous system, while continuous suckling aids proper development of the jaw of the baby.

Breastfeeding helps a woman to lose weight after birth. Mothers burn many calories during lactation as their bodies produce milk.
-Breastfeeding releases a hormone in the mother. This hormone is called oxytocin   and it causes the uterus to return to its normal size more quickly making the uterus contract faster and hence reduce on the bleeding.
-Mothers who breastfeed exclusively and have not had their periods have few chances of becoming pregnant in the first six months after giving birth. Breastfeeding increases the release of prolactin, a hormone, which prevents ovulation and conception. This encourages Child Spacing.
-Women who breastfeed reduce their risk of developing breast cancer. The more years a mother breastfeeds, the lower her risk of getting breast cancer. Breast feeding lowers oestrogen levels during lactation, and   the more oestrogen is available it stimulate s the lining of the uterus and the breast tissue, this reduces the risk of these tissues in getting cancer
-Breastfeeding reduces the risk of depression in that it promotes bonding between mother and child. This bonding increase to so  many years as possible .so the more a child is breast fed the more love and bonding is created between the mother and the child. The relationship between mother and child is rooted in the interactions of breastfeeding.
-Breastfeeding is convenient because the breast milk is always available and does not need any preparation, saving the mother the bother of carrying bottles and flasks whenever she is on the move.
Financially Breast-fed babies are less likely to need excessive medical attention as they grow and reduce the cost of buying tined milk plus other expenditures. This money can be used to buy other items for the baby.
A large number of the health problems in today's children can be prevented, by breastfeeding exclusively for at least the first six months of life. The longer the mother breastfeeds, the more likely her child will get the health benefits of breastfeeding

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